I spent this evening working on more quilted note cards. These three all came from the same Moda Charm pack that was a birthday gift from my dear friend, Susan.
It was a lot of fun sorting out the 5" squares into color families, and then cutting them in quarters to 2.5" square. It's amazing that all of these came from the same charm pack.
There are two other color families from that charm pack that I have not used yet. I especially like the brown-tone card. Hannah said it reminded her of Vera Bradley. Hmm.... I guess it kind of does.

I finally figured out what to do with the inside of the cards. I didn't like having all the zig zag lines showing on the inside of the card, so I cut a piece of paper to the same size as the front of the card. Then I used a glue stick to secure it in place. I did this after the quilting was done, but before I zig-zag stitched around the edge of the card. The stitching secured the lining to the card.
I agree with Hannah...does remind me of Vera Bradley. I love your postcards!