Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Quilted" Bookmark Tutorial

I made this quilted bookmark this morning and decided to share the process with my blog readers!  It's a lot of fun and SEW simple!!!

First start with any type of recycled cardboard - a cracker box, cereal box, Little Debbie snack cake box, etc.

 Use a ruler to draw your bookmark whatever size you want it to be.  Then cut it out.

 Gather little scraps of fabric and a glue stick.  Cover the bookmark with glue from the glue stick.

 Begin positioning the scraps of fabric onto the cardboard until the entire bookmark is covered in fabric pieces.

 Cut off the excess fabric hanging over the sides of the cardboard.

 It will look like this.

 Then use a zig zag stitch on your machine to zig zag over every raw edge - except the outside edges.

 Then, cover the entire  back of the bookmark with glue from your glue stick.

 Glue a piece of fabric on the back of the bookmark, and trim the fabric to fit your bookmark.

 Zig zag stitch around the outside edges of your bookmark.

Use Fray Check around the outside of your bookmark to secure your stitching.

Your finished quilted bookmark will look like this!

The possibilities are limitless and it's such an easy project!  :-)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jelly Roll Quilt

I do not like to have UFOs (unfinished objects/projects), but sometimes I inevitably have them.  Once UFO that I have had hanging around for a long time is a jelly roll quilt.  I started making the blocks, but then got discouraged and stuffed it into a drawer.  I've since decided that it's time to finish it.  I am making a "twist" pattern.  I started with one idea in mind, but then found another pattern that I liked better, and the blocks I had already cut will work perfectly with the new pattern I found.  I'm making a variation of this twist quilt pattern.  I'm happy with how it's going. :-)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Off The Beaten Path in Amish Country

I recently bought a road map of Lancaster County, and I have a mission!!  I am going to take it with me every time I go for a photography session in Amish Country.  I am going to find and label and make a note of every off the beaten path Amish store -- not the tourist traps, but genuine Amish home businesses.  They're never advertised, so they're very hard to find.  I am going to make a map and key so I can find as many as possible and visit them as often as I would like to - and not just be reliant on having to stumble upon them from time to time.   I am so excited about this.

It's VBS at our church this week, so it's a pretty busy week, but if not later this week, then for sure next week I will be hitting the road in Amish Country to begin my map quest!  :-)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Meet Skylar

Let me introduce you to the newest member of our family.  This is Skylar.  She just turned 1 year old on July 9th.  She is a beagle-lab mix.  She is so precious.  She is completely housebroken, as loving as can be, and even knows quite a few tricks.  We have had her for 2.5 weeks now, and she has brought a lot of joy into our home.  We all love to play with her and watch her play.  She makes us all laugh every day.