The completed ensemble is finished!! I added a personalized hair ribbon to go with the jumper set. This was a lot of fun to make.

w it's time to get back to smocking. My first plan is to embroider a t-shirt for smocking guild. SAGA now has their logo digitized for members to download. I am going to embroider a pink t-shirt with the SAGA logo. I am thinking of using variegated thread for it, but I my stitch out a sample first to see how I like it. I am also thinking of adding "Pagoda Pleaters" to the logo as well. I will have to figure that one out and will post pictures when I get it done.
Today is going to be an interesting day because we will have a psychologist visiting with us for most of the day. He is doing an evaluation on Timothy. For the most part, I get to go on like he's not even here. He will be doing some testing with Timothy and then interacting with him.