Yesterday I got to embroider for the first time in a long time. Since getting a new lap top just before Christmas, I have not been able to use my Ultimate box to transfer designs because it has a serial port instead of a USB port. My sweet husband learned of my dilemma and immediately ordered me the right cable so I could do that. It arrived on Saturday and I got to embroider again. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I decided to make a free standing lace (FSL) bookmark. I couldn't find one that I liked, so I downloaded one that had a poem for mothers day (which is great for mother's day by the way), and then used Embird to edit it and put in my own verse.
I used variegated thread to do the border and it came out looking like multicolored flowers around the edge -- which was an extra bonus.
Anyway, I had a great time making this and it felt so good to be back in the driver's seat of my embroidery machine. I am going to make a few more bookmarks while I am in the bookmark groove this week. I want to find a different one to download that is not so feminine looking, and then make a bookmark for Timothy and Kurt - as well as one from this design for Hannah - probably with her name on it.