Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Last week, Kurt and I had the thrilling experience of spending 3 days in NYC compliments of Disney.  Kurt won a Disney sweepstakes consisting of 2 vacations.  This first one was to see the Lion King on Broadway in NYC.  The next trip (in September) will be do Walt Disney World for 6 days. 

Our hotel room (at the Intercontinental Hotel) was on the 24th floor and provided an incredible view of Manhattan.
   We saw and experienced so much -- from China Town to the Brooklyn Bridge to Times Square to Central Park to Harlem to everything in between.

Jonathan's Graduation

On Saturday, June 9th, Jonathan graduated from Wilson High School.  It wasn't sad or even very emotional like some people seem to think it is when their child graduates from high school.  I am very proud of how well he has done throughout highschool and proud of the young man he has grown in to.  He has many skills that are going to take him far in life.  He currently has a summer job working for the school district in their IT department.  We are hoping that it will lead to a full time position in the fall.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Goodville Fabric Outlet -- 37 yards of fabric for $2.00

Goodville Fabric Outlet   is the most amazing fabric store I have ever been too!  My mom is visiting this week for Jonathan's graduation, so this past Saturday, we had a girls day out to Goodville Fabric Outlet.  I never knew it existed until a few weeks ago when I got a flyer about it in my goodie bag from the Martha Pullen Seminar.  It's only about 25 miles away.  I had no idea what to expect, but it looked like fun from the flyer.

Needless to say, we were quickly drawn to this giant bin of fabric that said "Fill-A-Bag for $2.00".  The bags were not small either (as you can see from the first picture).  I got 37 yards in my bag - to include linens and even a yard of sink dupioni - not to mention lots of other great fabric.  Hannah got 45 yards stuffed in her bag.  My  mom hasn't counted hers yet.

It's in the middle of Amish Country and has lots of "plain" fabric for the Amish to use for their dresses, but also so much more.  If you're ever in Lancaster County, PA this is a must see fabric store!  We will definitely be going back!!!